Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Crooks Den

Imagine this, if you will

February 04, 2010, a man walks into a bar in Daytona Beach, Florida to have a drink or two. Another patron walks over and demands a ciggarette, to which he was told, "I don't have any more" and and later as he walks out the door, gets a brutal and savage beating that left him unconsious in the hospital for weeks... Just for not giving up his smokes.

Well, it happened to my brother Thomas, and it is now a year and a week, yes, 53 weeks later, my brother is still in a nursing home, confined to a wheelchair.

Now the bar has an insurance policy that excludes fights, so my brother can not get the bar's insurance  to pay over $140,000.00 in medical bills, and for all this time  lost, and permanent disability.

Is this not a shame? If anyone knows of this place, steer clear, or this can happen to you

Tell me, WHERE IS THE JUSTICE in this country?